22.10.2007 | 18:52
Tregi rvkFM 101,5 20-22 sunnudagskvöld - 3ji žįttur 21 okt 2007 lagalisti
1. Howlin Wolf - Wolfs at the door
2. Howlin Wolf - My troubles and me
3. Hank Williams - Faded love and winter roses
4. Hank Williams - Kaw Liga
5. Blind Boy Reynolds - Outside woman blues
6. Cannons Jug Stompers - Walk right in
7. Gus Cannon - Poor Boy a long way from home
8. Fats Waller - Two Sleepy people
9. Fats Waller - The curse of an aching heart
10. Earl King - A mothers love
11. Laura Nyro - Billys blues
12. Odetta - Hes got the whole world in his hands
13. Odetta - The Gallows pole
14. Leadbealy - Gallows pole
15. Harlem Hamfats - Oh Red
16. Harlem Hamfats - Weed smokers dream
17. I want a little sugar in my bowl - Nina Simone
18. Big Joe Williams - Baby, please dont go
19. Bob Dylan - Baby, please dont go
20. Bob Dylan - It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry
21. Glenn Yardbrough - Dark as a dungeon
22. Ida Cox - Wild woman dont have the blues
23. Ida Cox - Death letter blues
24. Do Diddley - Say Boss man
25. Sippie Wallace - Special delivery blues
26. Sippie Wallace - Im mighty tight woman
27. Big Joe Turner - Cherry red
28. Big Joe Turner - Roll “em Pete
29. Dave Rank Ronk - Where were you last night?
30. Blind boy Fuller - Homesick and lonesome blues
31. Mose Allison -Eyesight to the blind
32. Mose Allison - Young mans blues
2. Howlin Wolf - My troubles and me
3. Hank Williams - Faded love and winter roses
4. Hank Williams - Kaw Liga
5. Blind Boy Reynolds - Outside woman blues
6. Cannons Jug Stompers - Walk right in
7. Gus Cannon - Poor Boy a long way from home
8. Fats Waller - Two Sleepy people
9. Fats Waller - The curse of an aching heart
10. Earl King - A mothers love
11. Laura Nyro - Billys blues
12. Odetta - Hes got the whole world in his hands
13. Odetta - The Gallows pole
14. Leadbealy - Gallows pole
15. Harlem Hamfats - Oh Red
16. Harlem Hamfats - Weed smokers dream
17. I want a little sugar in my bowl - Nina Simone
18. Big Joe Williams - Baby, please dont go
19. Bob Dylan - Baby, please dont go
20. Bob Dylan - It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry
21. Glenn Yardbrough - Dark as a dungeon
22. Ida Cox - Wild woman dont have the blues
23. Ida Cox - Death letter blues
24. Do Diddley - Say Boss man
25. Sippie Wallace - Special delivery blues
26. Sippie Wallace - Im mighty tight woman
27. Big Joe Turner - Cherry red
28. Big Joe Turner - Roll “em Pete
29. Dave Rank Ronk - Where were you last night?
30. Blind boy Fuller - Homesick and lonesome blues
31. Mose Allison -Eyesight to the blind
32. Mose Allison - Young mans blues
heyrši fyrsta hįlftķmann og svo žann sķšasta. datt śt vegna aksturs śtķ sveit.. žś ert greinilega bara nokkuš vel aš žér ķ žessum geira sion.
held ég hafi misst af lögum frį 10-23. hefši viljaš heyra 19-23.
en žaš sem žś getur sent ķ sion@ruslpostur.is er: mašur į aldrei aš segja mér langar..... aldrei barasta.
arnar valgeirsson, 22.10.2007 kl. 20:14
Takk fyrir félagi. Var reyndar ķ smį vandręšum ķ lokin žvķ ég hafši ruglaš saman nśmerum į nokkrum lögum žannig aš vitlaust lag hófst ķ nokkur skipti. Og aušvitaš langar mér aš bęta ķslenzkuna, en treysti žvķ aš žś leišrétti mig jafnóšum!
sķon, 22.10.2007 kl. 20:56
Žetta er hörku lagaval, žaš er mķn synd - aš hafa misst af öllum žįttunum. Ętli ég byrji ekki į žvķ aš finna žessa śtvarpsstöš (staš og bylgjulengd) - eitthvaš er aš gerast žarna, meira en lķtiš įhugavert. Įfram Sion.
Sveinbjörn Kristinn Žorkelsson, 22.10.2007 kl. 21:45
į ekkert aš segja um fjórša žįttinn.... nostalgķa frį villta tryllta villa. la bionda og duran duran
arnar valgeirsson, 27.10.2007 kl. 18:50
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.